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Studio Creatio

Studio Creatio

  • Free Trial
  • Product by Creatio
  • United States of America
  • 2013
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Languages Supported : Arabic, Czech, German, English, Persian, French, Hebrew, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian

Studio Creatio is a no-code platform with composable architecture to automate workflows and build applications with maximum degree of freedom. It combines a range of no-code tools that enable users to create powerful business applications in hours and minutes instead of weeks. Thanks to its focus on drag-and-drop development tools, even users without deep technical skills can successfully implement business applications, automated workflows, ML/AI-powered models for data-backed decision making, and business rules. Studio Creatio offers one environment for workflow development, automation, and orchestration. You can create your own process templates, utilize workflow automation solutions from Creatio marketplace, and connect multiple departments, systems, and data stores into a unified digital ecosystem. Studio Creatio provides extensive integration capabilities (.Net tools, REST, SOAP, OData, open API), advanced identity and access management, and flexible organization structure management, all of which ensure swift integration of Creatio into the software ecosystem of any company.

Average Company Size

According to customer reviews, most common company size for Studio Creatio customers is 51-1,000 employees. Customers with 51-1,000 employees make up 71% of Studio Creatio customers. For an average Studio Creatio solution, customers with 51-1,000 employees make up 36% of total customers.

Customer Evaluation

Customer Service is the highest rated attribute of Studio Creatio with a score of 10.0 out of 10.


Customer Service

Ease of Use


Likelihood to Recommend

Value For Money

Descriptive Words

The most positive word describing Studio Creatio is "Customizable" that is used in 12% of the reviews.

Momentum in the Last Year

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