DevOps Services

DevOps services help companies implement strategies and specialized tools to integrate DevOps practices to their business processes.

DevOps Services includes 2 solution areas and within these 63 companies offer 63 products. The most popular solution area is with 0 users searching for solutions in this area every month.

Number of Employees

104 employees work for a typical company in this solution category which is 86 more than the number of employees for a typical company in the average solution category.

In most cases, companies need at least 10 employees to serve other businesses with a proven tech product or service. 3 companies with >10 employees are offering DevOps Services. Top 3 products are developed by companies with a total of 7-606 employees. The largest company building DevOps Services is Diaspark with more than 600 employees.

Threat Stack, Inc
Caylent Inc.